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Evening Hike to Victoria Peak (slow and easy 馃悽馃悽馃悽)

Zdj臋cie u偶ytkownika Luong
Hosted By
Evening Hike to Victoria Peak (slow and easy 馃悽馃悽馃悽)


In conjunction with Worklife Balance 444.
We will have 2 Meetup groups, 1 from Worklife Balance 444 and the other from Bodyweight Fitness Workout but hosted by the same person.

Let's gather @ Central (M&S) and walk up to Victoria Peak together. We can smell the freshness from the trees, we can enjoy the countless stars in the sky or we can enjoy the never ending conversation ...
It suitable for majority able people, slope and some steps but most importantly the amazing scene of HK ! We may get chance to say hi to wild animals but please respect their habitats, you don't like another person storm in to your "home" :D
Meeting point: M&S, Central (near Exit D, Central MTR)
Meeting time: 6:00 pm (no latecomers)
*PLEASE bring headlights as some of the trails will be very dark. 馃挕
Approximate required time: 45-90 mins (lol, depends the speed & weather)

Any questions or other enquiries or want to join our Whatsapp group:

Luong's social media:
@YouTube: @lvcalisthenics

艢rodki bezpiecze艅stwa zapobiegaj膮ce rozprzestrzenianiu si臋 COVID-19
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Gospodarz tego wydarzenia wprowadza 艣rodki bezpiecze艅stwa podczas tego wydarzenia. Meetup nie odpowiada z ich zapewnienie i nie b臋dzie niezale偶nie egzekwowa膰 ich przestrzegania.
Photo of Bodyweight Fitness Workout group
Bodyweight Fitness Workout
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